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Pick Your Own
Here is helpful info as you plan your trip to the farm! This is how and when we open pick-your-own tickets:
General PYO ticket information for all fruit and flowers
Tickets will become available on this page approx. 24-48 hrs in advance as our farmers monitor the fruit readiness and fields. You may purchase online or upon arrival at the farm. We post tickets as more fruit comes in for best experience. **ALWAYS check this page prior to coming to the farm in case picking is closed. All details subject to change. See below for pricing, upcoming picking schedule and FAQs.
How do I know if picking is open?
Please check this page daily to see if picking is open. When crops are ready and/or available, picking is open weekdays and weekends. 8 am - 5 pm. Please exit fields by 5:30. The farm closes at 6 pm.
How do I purchase tickets?
Tickets and details for all upcoming pick-you-own seasons become available closer to ripening time. Purchase tickets online or upon arrival at the farm. Online tickets will become available approx. approx. 48 hours in advance as we monitor weather and fruit.
When are hayrides?
Hayrides are available when picking locations are in fields out of easy walking distance and on festival weekends.
Get farm updates.
Join our newsletter to stay close as more fruit ripens and additional fruit picking and flower cutting becomes available.
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