10+ DIY Shoe Box Ideas For Your Garden

Best garden ideas using shoe box

Last Updated on February 20, 2019 by Kimberly Crawford

Don’t throw away your old shoe box. Here are 10+ interesting garden ideas using shoe box.

1. Make a seed box

Make a seed box | Best Repurposed Garden Ideas Using Shoe Box


2. Shoe box Garden Display, by Year 1 and Year 2

Shoe box Garden Display, by Year 1 and Year 2 | Best Repurposed Garden Ideas Using Shoe Box


3. DIY Fairy Garden

DIY Fairy Garden | Best Repurposed Garden Ideas Using Shoe Box


4. Cardboard Gardening

Cardboard Gardening | Best Repurposed Garden Ideas Using Shoe Box


5. Chalkboard Painted Box Lids

Chalkboard Painted Box Lids | Best Repurposed Garden Ideas Using Shoe Box


6. Worm box

Worm box | Best Repurposed Garden Ideas Using Shoe Box


7. Cardboard Decor Planter

Cardboard Decor Planter | Best Repurposed Garden Ideas Using Shoe Box


8. Shoe box fairy garden

Shoe box fairy garden | Best Repurposed Garden Ideas Using Shoe Box


9. Urban Cardboard Planters

Urban Cardboard Planters | Best Repurposed Garden Ideas Using Shoe Box


10. Fairy Fountain Garden

Fairy Fountain Garden | Best Repurposed Garden Ideas Using Shoe Box


Best Repurposed Garden Ideas Using Shoe Box